So in the year 2006 we decided it was time for another baby and Riley was sooo ready for a sibling and full time playmate! We had no problem at all becoming pregnant, it was actually very surprising how fast we got pregnant! We were in the exact same month that we were in when we conceived Riley, we didn't plan to have it be the same month we really didn't think we would become pregnant so fast, so we thought it was pretty funny that they could end up having the same birthday!! So again I spent Christmas nauseous and queasy, and of course Corey was up for a deployment again and I would go through another pregnancy with out him, Which completely sucks but there was nothing to be done about it and I was more than grateful that he would be back in time for the birth! Before Corey left I kept getting sicker and sicker, I kept going to the doctors telling them something was wrong that this was more than just morning sickness and they kept telling me it was just a bad case of morning sickness. It was sooo horrible the day that Corey left, I was sooo sick I couldn't even get off the couch to tell him good bye, let alone take him to the deployment building. I cried and told him goodbye, wondering in my head if I would even be able to take care of Riley? I had already not been to work for a week dealing with this! It literally killed him to leave, one of the girls that I worked with came and picked him up and he told her that if I still wasn't coming into work to call and check in on me! Well I ended up taking a leave of absence because it was so bad, but when it got to the point of Riley at three years old opening the fridge herself to get some food, I finally called my mom and told her that I thought I was dieing of cancer! I know that sounds extreme but I have never in my life felt like I was feeling, I told her she needed to fly up here now, that I couldn't even get out of bed to take care of Riley. I then called one of my friends and asked them to come and stay with me to help with Riley til my mom got there, She came and took care of me and my daughter! Thank you Evelyn! Once my mom got there she took me and Riley back home with her where I found out I had salmonella poisoning from contaminated peanut butter and that I had just been reinfecting my self over and over, cause I knew I had to eat for the baby and the only thing I could think of that I felt I could stomach with protein was peanut butter toast and that was all I was eating! Both of the jars of peanut butter that I had were positive for salmonella!!! How crazy is that??? So after we figured out what it was and I stopped eating the peanut butter I got completely better! The doctors checked Cody in my tummy and did a few tests to make sure that he was okay and he was just fine! They explained it as my body took the brunt of it and protected the fetus! So as horrible as that was that was the only bad thing that happened during my pregnancy with my sweet little boy! I ended up going back to work and everything turned out just fine! Having him in our lives is such a beautiful blessing!! The love we feel for him is soooo grand!!!! He has the cutest little face with his little button nose and cute little teeth!! I just want to eat him up he is that cute and adorable!! My sweet baby boy, Thank you sooo much for being in our lives! We love you!
Whoa, that is amazing about the peanut butter! LOL, such a funny story that he will love to hear :) He really must be such a sweetheart - look at his big smile!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Katie! I love his smile to! He has a cross bite so he can't close his teeth together, but I think it makes him even cuter!