For Mothers day or Fathers day its what ever the Mother or Father wants to do for the day is what we do! Fathers day was quite boring for me and the kids, because all Corey wanted was to watch golf and grill steak. Come on Honey??? There is nothing else you want to go do? Nope? he just wanted to watch golf and eat steak! Well okay then, its your day so that is what we will do! And thats exactly what we did!
My day was completely different. I want action and adventure! So we packed picnic lunches and went exploring in northern Idaho! We found a great hiking road and the cutest stream ever where we laid down the sheet and ate lunch! It wasn't till after we ate lunch we noticed all the bear poop around us and thought "yeah its time to go!!" And cautiously with our dog in tow and clapping our hands every few feet and being loud like total idiots in hope to scare off any bears that were near us, we headed back to the car!
So fun! I'm with you, that sounds like a perfect Mothers Day to me!