Where does the time go? I cannot believe my little baby boy is going to be four this summer! It is so bitter sweet, because he is my last, my baby, and he is growing up way to fast for me, but at the same time I love who he is growing up to be, such a great mix of sweetness and toughness! His heart is so kind, he always says he loves his family and loves his sister. Every night at dinner we do what is called high/low, every one gets a turn of saying what their high (happy thing) was for the day and what their low (sad thing) was for the day, it is sooo cute because every night Cody's happy thing is the same "that we are all eating dinner together as a family" and it is all him, not once did any of us ever tell him to say that or said it before, it literally comes from his heart! On the other note he loves playing army guys, he however calls it "bad guys" he gets all dressed up in things that does not even come close to relating to army stuff, but in his mind it does, The shower cap is his bad guy hat, he has this brown coat that is his bad guy coat and black snake skin cowboy boats are his bad guy shoes! haha His smile is my favorite thing other than his heart, It is the cutest little smile that brings such joy to my soul! A funny story about Cody is one time in the summer my mom was up visiting and Cody was learning to potty train, it was hot we were all out side in the back yard playing in the little kid pool and jumping on the trampoline. when ever Cody had to pee I would just let him go pee on the tree or somewhere outside. Riley then for some reason thought it was cool that Cody could pee outside and asked if she could, haha I didn't care it was just me and my mom and we have a privacy fence so I said go ahead I don't care, plus she was all wet from the pool and I didn't want them going in and out of the house anyways. so she just pulled her swim suit to the side and peed and Cody walked over with this look of amazement and confusion on his face and he walked all around Riley and looked up at her and said "but sissy how? you don't got one?" ahahahaha I am sure you can assume what he was talking about sissy not having one!