As I'm laying on the floor with a terrible stomach ache, Riley comes up to me and says Riley: mom is your tummy hurting that bad?
Me: no honey its just a stomach ache, it will pass. Riley: do you need to sit on the potty and fart?!!!!! hahahaha
When Riley was little she loved the movie Shrek, but she couldn't pronounce Shrek right, when she said it, it came out as fuck! and when ever we were out in public and she would see a Shrek poster or picture about the movie, she would just start screaming in excitement Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! and people would just start staring at us in disbelief, and I would always have to explain "shes saying Shrek! hahaha
Another pretty funny story was the day when Riley's preschool teacher came up to me and asked if I was her biological mother or her step mother, and I said I'm her biological mother, me and her father are still married? why do you ask? And she told me that Riley talks about her "other mother" that lives in Seattle! I laughed and said she is very imaginative and I swear I am her only mother! hahaha
Riley has this little white bear that use to have this black jumpsuit on it, and because of that she always called it her black baby, well she had lost the little black jumpsuit for the white bear but she still called it her black baby, and it was just funny to see peoples expressions when she would talk about her black baby while carrying around this white bear!
she always made up her own name for things also, like Avocados, I don't know why but she has always called them flamingos and to this day she still calls them flamingos! She would call the remote control for the T.V a camode! A lawnmower was a mowlawner, Spaghetti was Bahsghetti, motorcycles were cyclebikes And the cutest was when she would always say when you would copy her is " Quit peetin what I say"! hahahaha
heehee!! Cutest post! So good to get these memories down, I am always so worried I will forget all the adorable things they say...