Monday, November 21, 2011

Trying not to care

Trying not to care what other people think of me is the latest thing I am working on, Lately a lot of things have felt like high school and a big giant popularity contest? Really people? I thought we have all grown up? I don't understand why others cant just realize that we are all people trying to make it the best we can in this world, why do some think they are better than others? Nobody knows other peoples stories, and what has gotten them to where they are today. We all have so much to learn and from each other is the best place to learn it from. I have no room for someone in my life that does not think I am cool enough to be their friend, in fact I feel sorry for them, because they have probably left tons of great opportunities to get to know some pretty great people. I know who I am, and I know that I am a great mom, a good friend and happen to also have a pretty funny personality! And I guess I just need to not let it bother me so bad when someone doesn't want to be my friend, and then ask my self would I want this type of person to be my friend anyways?

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