Sunday, February 12, 2012

A week of pain and no sleep:(

So Cody had his tonsils, adenoids and ear tubes removed and his ear drums patched up, and it was honestly a lot worse than I thought it would be. his tonsils were so big that at night they would block his throat up to were he couldn't breath and he would wake up choking, so after lots of consideration we decided to agree with the doctor that they needed to be removed.  Before his surgery I had explained to him that they were going to take his tonsils out and I showed him with a flashlight and mirror where they were and that they were going to give him some sleepy medicine and when he woke up that his throat was going to be very sore. So because of that we get to go to the store where he will get to help me pick out tons of special treats to eat that will be easy on his throat til it healed. He understood the best I thought he could and he agreed to everything. The day of his surgery everything was going great, and he was very calm, and not nervous, but all of that changed when he woke up in recovery. They wouldn't let us go back to recovery until after he was awake, which I understand because for some parents it might be traumatizing to see their child shaking and convulsing as they are going through the wake up process. But what I don't agree with is that he woke up in a room all by himself! He told me that when he woke up no one was in there with him and he started to cry because he was scared and didn't know where he was and then someone came in! That breaks my heart and I very nicely and calmly advised them that they might want to rethink how they work that process because that was very traumatizing to him! We stayed in recovery with him rocking, comforting and kissing him till he was awake enough to go home.

    Once we were home he took a very long nap and woke up still seaming okay! I thought "wow, this isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be?" at the hospital they had given him a pretty strong pain medication (obviously realizing now that's why it wasn't so bad that first day because he was on the good stuff) and told us once home to alternate Tylenol and Ibuprofen every three hours, and they stressed to us to not skip or fall behind on a dose, because once that happened he would feel the pain so bad to where we wouldn't even be able to get him to swallow the pain medicine. So we didn't. we set the alarm clock through the night every three hours, but it was just not cutting it, he was crying and in pain, and that just continued and continued! finally by the second day and absolutely no sleep for anyone in the house I called the doctor and asked is this normal because he is in severe pain and the Tylenol and Ibuprofen just isn't cutting it? They told me yes it was normal and to just keep alternating and keeping his throat moist and give it time. So we just kept going and it just kept getting worse! After continually calling the doctor with my concerns, we started on a children's Lortab solution which seemed to help. It was a long horrible week, with Cody's pain and crying and every ones lack of sleep we were all emotional and I know of at least two times I completely broke down crying second guessing what we had done, and taking my frustrations out on my husband (which I later of course apologized for being a complete bitch)! We hated how he wouldn't turn his head at all and the weird voice that he would talk in. Bottom line, it sucked, but it is over now and I believe it was worth it!

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